Friday, April 12, 2013

Trips to SAFEWAY

I love going to Safeway with my mom!  The two main reasons are: I love spending time with my mom, and I love going through the self-checkout.  I don't
know why but I love scanning and bagging the items. 

One day, a couple months ago, we had a funny visit to Safeway.  It was just me and my mom.  We had two carts full of items, and we were heading to the self-checkout.  I started scanning the items, and we were in kind of a rush, so I had to hurry.  Once I get to the fifth or sixth item, the scanner kiosk says "unexpected item in bagging area."  We stand back and ask for help from the lady working the self-checkout area.  She gives us the evil eye and says, "Don'tdo anything yet"  We stand back and let her do her job.  Once she finished, we proceeded.  Three items later, the kiosk says the same phrase again. Once again the lady has to come over and do her job.  She didn't seem to happy about us.  We were giggling in the background so she couldn't hear us.  We thought we figured out what we were doing wrong, but to my surprise it happened again.  The lady looked over her crooked glasses and said, "You guys aren't supposed to put that many items through the line."  We apologized and kept going because we couldn't really stop in only the middle of the process. I just wanted to go pretend I was checking out at another line and let my mom deal with the situation!
Fortunately it wasn't a busy day.  Just us (but that still didn't make the check out lady any happier).  I think we froze the screen one more time before finishing and
scurrying out of the store....giggling a bit as we left.

The next time I went to Safeway with my mom we scanned the self-check out to make sure the grumpy lady wasn't there.  We also had MUCH less to check out.

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